Season 1

Season Summary and Troi Episodes Guides

Episodes images are from The Official Star Trek Website


The first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation is quite good but seasons 1 and 2 are quite different from the rest of the series and sometimes the episodes seem like The Original Series. You have to be in a certain mood to watch them. If I had to say which episodes are the top two, that is quite easy for this season. "The Big Goodbye" is amazing, the first episode to have the holodeck malfunctioning, so it is a new idea and is done very well. "Heart of Glory" is the first TNG Klingon episode and one of the most action packed this season. A few other good episodes include "Encounter at Farpoint" as it is the series' pilot episode, "Datalore" the first episode to feature Data's 'evil' brother Lore which is also a quite action packed episode and "The Neutral Zone" which is the first appearance of the Romulans in TNG. Most of the other episodes are just average. Without a doubt the worst episode is "Justice", it is so ridiculous when Wesley is sentenced to death for breaking a greenhouse on an alien world. The characters certainly aren't developed much during this first season. Most episodes end up focusing on Picard. However, every character gets an episode of their own except Doctor Crusher and LaForge really.

In Season 1, Troi isn't actually the character that is underused the most but it is the worst season for her. Troi is absent from the episodes "Hide and Q", "Datalore", "11001001" and "Heart of Glory". This is just because she wasn't needed in those storylines and the writers found Troi hard to write for. But in every episode of all the other seasons she at least makes an appearance and according to Marina, the character was almost dropped during the first season. Troi only wears the short dress type uniform in the pilot episode, because it was said that she looked like a cheerleader! She is given a non-regulation uniform and what is called the 'severe bun' hairstyle for the remainder of the season. Marina also perfects her accent a lot in seasons to come; it is not as good here.

Troi Episodes:

Video scans are from Season 1 re-release videos (1998).

"Encounter at Farpoint"

The crew of the new Enterprise, the Enterprise-D are put on trial for the crimes of humanity by a being who is part of an all powerful super-race known as the Q and they must solve the mystery at Farpoint Station.
The double length pilot episode introduces Deanna, like every character! Betazoids are introduced for the first time in Star Trek. Troi does have a quite big role, being a member of away teams and using her empathic powers. We find out about her past relationship with Riker too.

Picard: May I introduce our new First Officer, Commander William Riker. Commander Riker this is our Ship's Counsellor, Deanna Troi.
Deanna: (Telepathically) Do you remember what I taught you Imzadi? Can you still sense my thoughts? (Aloud) A Pleasure Commander.
Riker: Likewise Counsellor.
Picard: Have the two of you met before?
Deanna: We have Sir.
Picard: Excellent, I consider it important for my key officers to know each other's abilities.
Deanna: (Aloud) We do Sir. (Telepathically) I too could never say goodbye Imzadi.

My Episode Rating: 6.5/10


Deanna is going to enter into a pre-arranged marriage with Wyatt Miller. But he has been having visions of a blonde woman since childhood, who he originally thought was Deanna. A ship with plague-ridden Tarellians shows up and Wyatt discovers that the blonde is aboard. Wyatt apologises to Deanna and follows his destiny to find a cure for the Tarellians.
The only completely Troi episode in the first season is good but not when compared to Troi episodes in all the other seasons. It's an enjoyable episode though, many funny moments with Lwaxana Troi's first appearance and quite a good plot for Deanna.

Deanna: Bill, more than anything in the world, you want to be a Starship Captain, true?
Riker: That's not all I want Deanna.
Deanna: I can feel that. I know that you care within those limits. Did you hear what I said?
Riker: Every word. This whole thing is still bizarre, I'm sorry.
Deanna: Come dance at my wedding.
Riker: I'll try.

My Episode Rating: 7/10

"Angel One"

Searching for survivors from a freighter, the Enterprise visits Angel One, which is ruled by female leaders. Deanna and Tasha handle diplomacy.
Quite a big role for Troi, because it is a female ruled world. A pretty good episode, but Marina doesn't like this episode at all. This is what she said:
"There was one episode which was very early on. I don't want to sound like a raging feminist, although I am a bit, but we landed on this planet run by women and Commander Riker comes down and does one speech and they start considering changing their form of government because it's Riker and he's so gorgeous. That actually really annoyed me because it was too ridiculous. That episode was obviously written by a man".

Picard: Counsellor, as this is a female dominated society, you might wish to make the initial contact.
Deanna: Thank you Sir.
Picard: Open hailing frequencies.
Tasha: Hailing frequencies open, Sir.
Deanna: This is Counsellor Deanna Troi from the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Beata: I am Beata, the elected one. How may we assist you Counsellor?
Deanna: The Federation has neglected to visit your planet for far too long, with your permission we would like to correct that oversight.
Beata: We feel in no way neglected Counsellor, a diplomatic courtesy call is neither expected nor required.
Deanna: We also come in search for possible survivors from one of our freighters.
Beata: A brief visit will be tolerated.

My Episode Rating: 6.5/10