
Summary and Troi Episodes Guides

Episodes images are from The Official Star Trek Website


Voyager is the forth Star Trek series, it began in 1995 and ran until 2001, seven seasons, just like TNG and DS9. It featured the first female Captain lead of a series, Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew).

Deanna Troi appeared in three Voyager episodes, two in Season 6 and one in 7. Troi's character returns to more like she was in the series and in an interview with Marina, she says this. "Actually, this is a bit of a regression back to what Troi was before she was wacky and zany like she is in the movies. We've gone back to the original Deanna with this episode [Pathfinder], where she's counselling and being empathic."
That is true of all three episodes. It's like in a series there is more need for the Counsellor but not on the big screen.


Reg Barclay is determined to make contact with the U.S.S. Voyager, and attempts to make others in Starfleet greenlight his project.
Barclay seeks advice from his old friend from the Enterprise, Counselor Troi, who helps him deal with his growing problem.

I looked forward to this episode for a long time and wasn't at all disappointed. It was just great to see Troi on TV again, I really enjoyed this episode. I am a fan of Voyager anyway, TNG and Voyager I love. Really good to see Troi and Barclay together in an episode again, after their interaction in TNG, "Holo Pursuits" and "The Nth Degree", inparticular. I probably prefer the next two episodes with Troi in, when she has a more active part in the plot. In this she is just advising Reg, in his appartment, but I still really like it.


My Episode Rating: 9/10


Voyager's Doctor learns that his creator, Lewis Zimmerman, is dying, so his program is transmitted back to the Alpha Quadrant in an effort to help his "father". But Doc Zimmerman refused to be examined by an obsolete Mark One hologram. Lt. Barclay pleads with Counsellor Troi to return from the Enterprise to counsel Doc Zimmerman. When she does show up, things seem to be even worse...
I really liked this episode. A tough job for Deanna! And she gets to work with a member of the Voyager cast this time, Robert Picardo (The Doctor). Their scenes on the Voyager set are good, holodeck though. Quite a lot of humour in this episode, the talking iguana for example!

My Episode Rating: 8/10

"Inside Man"

For two months Earth's pathfinder project have attempted to send a hologram to Voyager, but it has failed twice. Barclay becomes convinced that it has been stolen. He approaches Deanna whilst on vacation for her help in figuring it all out...

The final episode featuring Troi is my favourite. There are two scenes that really stick out as excellent ones for Deanna. I love the scene on the beach; Marina looks fantastic. And Deanna is trying to get more out of Reg than he wants to tell, about Leosa who left him. Troi's scene with Leosa has wonderful acting from Marina; see quotes below!

Deanna: Did you know I'm a Betazoid? I'm empathic, which means I know when people are lying. What's the longest you've ever been incarcerated?
Leosa: [Laughs] You can't send me to prison Counsellor, I didn't do anything wrong.
Deanna: Maybe not but I can order you held for psychiatric observation. Extended observation.
Leosa: I may not be a Betazoid, but I work a Dabo table. And I know when somebody's bluffing.
Deanna: Try me...

My Episode Rating: 9/10