Season 4

Season Summary and Troi Episodes Guides

Episodes images are from The Offical Star Trek Website


The high quality of Star Trek: The Next Generation continues in the forth season. Part 2 of "The Best of Both Worlds" is very good, but it is said to be a disappointment after the suspense of Part 1. Other top episodes are "Brothers", another really good episode for Data, with him meeting his creator. "Remember Me", with Dr. Crusher trapped in an alternate universe. "Reunion", the on going Klingon plot, with K'Ehylar's death. "The Wounded", which has the Cardassians first appearance in Star Trek. "Clues", a great mystery for the crew to solve. "The Host", the first appearance of Trills in Star Trek. "The Minds Eye", where the Romulans kidnap Geordi. And "Redemption", the second cliffhanger, where a Klingon civil war is close to happening and we see Sela (Denise Crosby - Tasha Yar) in the closing moments! In my opinion, there aren't any bad episodes in this season.

Deanna has a significant role in most episodes. She only has one definite episode of her own though, "The Loss". But she has quite a lot of other large roles. Her character is not at all developed this season.

Troi Episodes:

"The Loss"

The Enterprise crew realise they are being pulled by an unknown force towards a deadly cosmic string. At the same time Deanna loses her empathic powers. She believes she is unable to perform her job and resigns as ships Counsellor...

This is the main Troi episode in the forth season. She has to cope with a disability, losing her empathic powers. Mostly good performances and an enjoyable episode. But not the best Troi episode, is sure is excellent though! There are a few really good Troi and Riker moments, in Deanna's office and her quarters. And, Marina's couple of scenes with Whoopi Goldberg are memorable.

Deanna: You know what the worst part of this is? And I've seen it happen to so many of my patients.
Riker: What?
Deanna: The way other people change. How they start to treat you differently. They walk on egg shells around you. Sometimes they avoid you altogether. Sometimes they become overbearing, reach out a hand to the blind woman.
Riker: I'm sorry if I...
Deanna: I will not be treated that way!
Riker: Hey, Imzadi.
Deanna: Oh please.
Riker: Deanna, I've never seen you quite so scared.
Deanna: I'm fine. If I get better, I get better. If I don’t, I'll adapt. Life goes on.
Riker: Deanna...
Deanna: I really have to finish this, I have some appointments this afternoon.

My Episode Rating: 8.5/10


The Enterprise passes through a wormhole, knocking everyone unconscious except Data. Data informs Picard they were unconscious for 30 seconds, but clues start to be found, indicating a whole day has passed...

The Pakled's take control of Deanna's body to communicate with the crew (and give her a deep voice!) This is an ensemble episode, good for all the cast, but Troi's part is significant.
"Clues" is one of my favourite episodes in season four, it keeps you wondering what has happened to the crew as different clues are uncovered.

Deanna: Thanks for coming with me Mr Worf.
Worf: You are certain you are well?
Deanna: I just need some rest, thanks.
[Deanna enters her quarters. Worf hears a scream]
Worf: Deanna? Security, over ride the lock on Counsellor Troi's quarters, now!
What's wrong?
Deanna: The mirror! I came in here, I looked into the mirror, it wasn't me Worf. It wasn't me! It was my face but it wasn't me, inside!

My Episode Rating: 9/10

"Night Terrors"

The Enterprise finds the U.S.S. Brattain adrift, with the entire crew dead except a Betazoid man. Troi is unable to communicate with him and is tormented by strange nightmares. Members of the crew start to show signs of irritability and paranoia. Deanna and Beverly warn Picard that what happened on the Brattain may be starting to happen on the Enterprise...

Troi is communicated with, via her dreams and figures out what needs to be done to release the Enterprise. "Night Terrors" is a chilling episode, a good one. There is very distinctive, haunting music all through the episode!

Deanna: I'm not getting much Captain, a few words, disconnected phrases. I can feel his terror but I can't seem to get through to him.

My Episode Rating: 7/10

"Half a Life"

Timicin, a top scientist, comes aboard the Enterprise to try and save his planet. Lwaxana becomes attached to Timicin but she learns that he has to go through a ritual to end his life, now he is nearly 60...

"Half a life" is a much more serious Lwaxana episode than her previous ones. But it is not without humour, the beginning with "Counsellor Troi's Personal Log, stardate 47732.7. My mother is on board". Then Picard peering out a doorway, thinking the coast is clear, but then Lwaxana finds him!
I would say this is my least favourite Lwaxana episode, but I still really like it! Also, this Lwaxana episode has the smallest part for Deanna, but she is there to comfort her mother.

Lwaxana: Now I'm asking myself is it possible I was wrong to ask Timicin to choose life.
Deanna: You were honest with him mother, you had to be.
Lwaxana: Maybe I want him to live just to keep me company.
Deanna: Of course you do. But you didn't do this for yourself, you did it for him.
Lwaxana: Did I? And look what I've done to him. He’s like a man who's lost his faith.

My Episode Rating: 8/10