Season 3

Season Summary and Troi Episodes Guides

Most images are from The Official Star Trek Website


With Season 3 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the series really starts to improve a lot. And this is when it started to become popular. It's wonderful to have Dr. Crusher back. There is no question as to what the best episode of the season is. The end of season cliff hanger "The Best of Both Worlds" Part 1, has been voted the best episode in all of Star Trek many times. It is the first ever Star Trek cliff hanger and every other season of TNG has one as well as most of Deep Space Nine and Voyager. The Borg start an invasion of Sector 001, where Earth is. There are quite a few other classic or really good episodes in season 3, "High Ground", Beverly is kidnapped by terrorists and it is an action packed episode. "Yesterday's Enterprise", set in another time with the first return of Tasha Yar. "The Offspring", where Data creates a daughter. "Deja Q", which has Q's return, now powerless. "Sins of the Father", which has Worf's discommendation taking place. "Hollow Pursuits", with Lieutenant Barclay's first appearance. And "Sarek". If I had to say which episodes weren't quite so good, it would be "The Ensigns of Command" and "Allegiance". But compared to the bad episodes in the first two seasons, they're great!

Season 3 is pretty good for Troi, better than 1 and 2. There are two real strong episode for her; "The Price" and "Menage a Troi". And she has a significant presence in many more. Troi's look improves again this season! She gets two more of her non regulation uniforms too.

Troi Episodes:

"The Survivors"

The Enterprise discovers a planet with all life completely removed, apart from one house with an elderly couple. Meanwhile Deanna starts to hear music in her mind, which drives her mad.
This is an okay episode, worth seeing with a significant role in the storyline for Troi. It's just a very average episode though.

Deanna: The song doesn't stop for an instant; it plays in perfect clarity from beginning to end, over and over again. I don't even know what song it is, I never heard it before.
Picard: When did this start?
Deanna: A few hours ago, while the away team were on the surface. I was trying to... I was thinking of Rishan and Kevin.
Picard: Rishan and Kevin?
Deanna: I can't explain it Captain, they're elusive, they're... I'm sorry.

My Episode Rating: 6/10

"Who Watches the Watchers"

The Federation have been observing the Mintakans, but there is an explosion and they are uncovered. Commander Riker and Troi, disguised as Minkakans beam down to the planet to try and recover the Federation Scientists.
"Who Watches the Watchers" seems average compared to the rest of the season but very good. It has a very good idea for it's plot and the Movie "Star Trek: Insurrection" has a similar idea, the Federation observing a planets inhabitants but something goes wrong.

Troi: Liko, you don't want to kill me.
Liko: I have no choice, I must do as the Picard wishes.
Troi: Are you sure you know what he wants? That's the problem in believing in a supernatural being; trying to determine what he wants.

My Episode Rating: 7.5/10

"The Price"

Negotiations take place on board the Enterprise for rights to an apparently stable wormhole. Deanna find herself falling in love with one of the delegates, Devonani Ral, who she later find out is part Betazoid and has been manipulating his competitors in the negotiations.
"The Price" is a very good episode, for Troi fans at least. Deanna has her almost yearly one episode romance, and it is an interesting relationship. The wormhole part of the plot is also interesting.

Troi: It was as though you were performing a scene for all of us.
Ral: Pardon me Captain, I believe there's a slight conflict of interest here.
Troi: I agree, entirely. Mr Ral asked me not to tell anyone he has empathic powers, which he uses to manipulate his competitors in a negotiation. And, yes it did put me in a conflict of interest, which I hope I have now resolved.

My Episode Rating: 8/10

"Menage à Troi"

Will and Deanna take shore leave on Betazed, but Lwaxana shows up and they are all then kidnapped by the Ferengi!
The main episode focussing on Troi in season 3, it does have her name in the title! There are hints that a romance between Riker and Troi could take off again, while they are on their shore leave. This is the best episode featuring Lwaxana so far in the series. This is a favourite episode of mine in the third season, but it isn't a classic or wouldn't be that popular with people who aren't Troi fans.


My Episode Rating: 9/10