Season 2

Season Summary and Troi Episodes Guides

Most images are from The Official Star Trek Website


Season 2 is perhaps a bit of an improvement over season 1, it has some very good moments but some that are not so good. Doctor Pulaski replaces Crusher in this season only. Pulaski is a good character, she stirs some things up, and it is good to have her on the show for one season. But Beverly Crusher is certainly a much better character, my second favourite character on TNG, after Troi. Guinan (played by Whoopi Goldberg), who becomes a recurring guest star, also first appears in the first episode of the season, she is great for TNG. There is a classic episode in this season, the first episode with the Borg! They become an extremely popular enemy to the Federation. Q also reappears in that episode. Other top episodes are "Elementary Dear Data," another very good holodeck malfunctioning episode with Data's Sherlock Holmes story. "A Matter of Honour," a season 2 Klingon episode. "The Measure of a Man," where Data's rights are questioned. And "The Emissary," which has the first of two appearances by K'Ehleyr, who becomes Worf's mate. There are quite a few bad episodes in this season but "Shades of Gray," the season finale, is the worst, a clip show as Riker comes close to death and relives moments from his two years on the Enterprise!

Season 2 is better for Troi than the last season. The first episode of the season is a Troi episode and there are some more good moments. Troi gets a much better non-regulation uniform and hairstyle too.

Troi Episodes:

Scans are from UK Season 2 re-release videos (1999).

"The Child"

Deanna is impregnated by what she describes as a glowing white light and it develops extremely quickly, she has the baby in 36 hours. In a further 27 hours, Ian Andrew (as Troi names him) grows to eight years old. Ian has to leave the ship because he is endangering the crew and reveals that he was there to learn more about humans.
This is just a wonderful Troi episode, having a child, if only for a short time.

Deanna: You're going to die. No you can't! Sickbay, this is Counsellor Troi, I need the Doctor in my quarters, now!
It's Ian hurry.
Pulaski: What happened? Did he eat anything? Did he fall?
Deanna: No.
Data: Commander, the child is the source of the unusual radiation.
Deanna: Ian said he's the reason the ship is in danger.
Data: That analysis is correct.
Pulaski: I'm losing life signs.
Deanna: You must save him.
Pulaski: I'm sorry.
LaForge: Commander Riker the containment field has stabilised.
Riker: Thank you Lieutenant.
Deanna: Then Ian was right; he was the cause.
Riker: Apparently so.
Deanna: He is a life force entity. When we passed each other in space he was curious about us. So, he decided the best way to learn was to go through the process. To be born, to live as one of us and in that to understand us. He never meant any harm.
Riker: There was a moment when you smiled.
Deanna: He said thank you. I told him we will miss him and I will...

My Episode Rating: 8/10

"As Loud as a Whisper"

The Enterprise is sent to retrieve a mediator, Riva, to help settle a civil war. The crew are surprised to learn that Riva is deaf and uses a three member telepathic chorus. On the peace mission Riva's chorus are killed, leaving him helpless.
Deanna spends time with Riva attempting to help him and there are hints of romance. She inspires him to "turn a disadvantage into an advantage." This is a very interesting episode, positive.

My Episode Rating: 7.5/10

"The Icarus Factor"

When Riker is offered command of his own ship, a civilian strategist comes aboard to brief him. This turns out to be his father, Kyle, who he hasn't seen for 15 years. There is a great deal of hostility between them still.

Troi talks with Kyle and has a goodbye scene with Will, when she tries to remain formal, saying "Goodbye Commander" but breaks down. She also has a good scene with Pulaski, where they compare notes on 'their men'. This is an okay episode, quite average, with the only time we see Riker's father.

Kyle: My guess is Will finds you pretty fascinating. Candour seems to be a trait he admires.
Deanna: Honesty is the trait he admires most. And you should honestly consider why you're so competitive with your own son.
Kyle: Competitive, maybe in the past. But I've come here to help him prepare for his first task as Captain.
Deanna: Are you sure he'll accept such a dangerous assignment?
Kyle: He'll accept it just because it is dangerous.
Deanna: How can you be so sure?
Kyle: Because I would, and we aren't so different Will and I.

My Episode Rating: 6/10


Lwaxana returns and is in the midst of the Betazoid phase, a mid-life cycle the quadruples (or more!) the women's sex drive.
As with a Lwaxana Troi episode, as usual, Deanna is getting quite stressed really, by her mother. And, she tries to stop her doing all these things! You either love Lwaxana Troi episodes or you hate them! I do really like them, I think Lwaxana brings a lot of humour to her episodes and you certainly need that sometimes!

My Episode Rating: 7/10